Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dear Near-sighted

One thing I really hate about taking out my contacts at night is how blind I am when I wake up in the morning. Well, blind is an exaggeration, as I can see without my contacts, but not well, unless I am right on top of the object I wish to view. I am near-sighted. Things close to my eyeballs are seen, everything far away is a blurry mess.

My vision is the polar opposite of paintings by Monet.

Everything is fuzzy and undefined for me without some sort of vision enhancing aid. I have been wearing glasses or contacts since I was in the second grade. I prefer contacts to glasses and I would sleep in my contacts every night except that I did that a few years ago - sleeping in the contacts each night for a few months - and ended up with an eye infection. I couldn't wear my contacts at all so that meant I was always wearing my glasses, which I do not care for because if it rains, droplets on the glasses. If it is cold outside and then you go inside, the glasses fog up. And there is always that corner on the side where your glasses are not that you cannot make out anything. Also, you cannot wear sunglasses on account of the eyeglasses. I just hate glasses. Even when I try to find really sweet frames, I still hate glasses. My most favorite pair I lost on an airplane. I like contacts. So wearing the glasses for a month because of the eye infection made me annoyed. I learned my lesson from the terrible eye infection, so I now take my contacts out at night.

Nearly every night.

Some nights I do still sleep in them because of the afromentioned hatred of waking up blind.

But last night, I was not so lazy. I took out the contacts. I went to bed. I woke up fuzzy-eyed and took the glass of water next to my bed to the kitchen to put in the refrigerator so I could drink said water later but cold, because, you know, cold water is refreshing.

A few hours later, after I had put my contacts in, I reached into the refrigerator for said water and saw that there were two ants suspended in the now icy cold H2O. My un-contact-ed eyes did not see the ants when I chilled my water and the thought that I could have sipped it and drank it horrified me. I mean...there were ants...just...and I just iced them?

So, I guess no more water by my bed at night. Unless I procure a sippy cup. I hate ants. Stupid contacts.