Thursday, December 31, 2009


My mother left me an urgent message earlier this week. She had been watching the Discovery Channel and heard of a syndrome that she thought both my sister and I could have. So I Googled the disease and it's main symptom is a particular body type.

So, uhm, thanks for looking out, Mom.

Monday, December 28, 2009


I wish I would have written that life is a highway song. Because even though I can't stand that song, that dude is rolling in the dough. I mean, it has been covered and re-covered by like 80 different artists/performers and it is always on a commercial or featured in a movie. That guy was a genius. One classic annoying song and he is set for life.

Life is a highway songwriter, I salute you.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ready or not...

When it came to hide and seek, I was a rockstar. I could find magnificent hiding spots where no one would ever discover me. I wouldn't giggle or move or make any noise when the seeker came for the hidden. I remember playing hide and seek once when I was about 10 or 11 and my spot was so good that everyone else gave up. I eventually revealed myself only to find that the other players had all taken a nap. The game was over and I had won, I guess.

See what I never got was that, sometimes, the point was to be found. Part of the fun was being caught. I didn't understand that then.

As an adult, sometimes it feel like I am still playing the game. I have devised an excellent hiding place and I can stay there, undisturbed, not giving myself away, probably forever. Lately, though, staying hidden isn't as satisfying. Revealing myself feels scary but I think I am ready.

Game on.