Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dear Fire Detector


Guess what? THERE IS NO FIRE!!! I am fine. Actually, no, no I am not fine. I am filled with murderous rage at you. I am the person who has opened the windows and has the ceiling fan going and has been whipping you with my kitchen towel for 30 MINUTES and who just wants you to STOP BEEPING AT ME!!!!

Yes, my stove needs to be cleaned. Yes, something spilled in it. Yes, I neeed to clean it. But everything is fine. It will be cleaned. Stop freaking out.

And would you mind telling me why it is the fire detector near the ceiling of my bedroom that keeps going off and not your easy sister in the hallway? I could just reach up and press a button and she stops. But YOU? No, not you. YOU I can't reach. So everytime you screech I have to do a jump smash manuever to attempt to reach your stupid button and make it all stop.

And all I wanted was to come home and reheat my roasted chicken and make my potatoes and relax a little.

You ruined it.
I hate you.


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